Roulette Cheating and Scams

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Roulette is a classic casino game that has evolved because of popularity, casino profitability, and roulette cheating and scams. Yes, players will try anything to cheat the casino, and sometimes the casinos cheat the players.
Roulette is a game that seems to bring out the worst in players aka roulette hustlers and sometimes from casino owners as well.
Players have tried many methods possible to cheat the house to come on top as a winner. Even with online casinos players will try any find a loophole in the game or system and to profit.
Despite the difficulties in becoming an advantage player in online roulette many players still fall for emails and ebooks claiming how you can make tons of money playing a roulette system. Most of these are myths but enjoy this article that looks as the history of roulette along with many cheating attempts along the way.
Roulette History and Origins
Roulette was known as rulet meaning 'little wheel' in French and became popular in the 18th century in France. The popularity of the game brought it to the rest of Europe and eventually in America.
The original roulette version is now known as European roulette which has a single zero while the American version has a double zero. It is believed that casinos favored the American roulette version over European roulette because the house edge increased from 2.7% to 5.2%.
The extra house edge not only meant that the casino made more money but it made the house edge large enough to try to combat cheating. That still doesn't stop hustlers from trying to take advantage of the house.
Roulette Cheating Methods
Here are some of the ways in which players have attempted and in some cases successfully cheated the house. Keep in mind this is for land-based casinos and some of these methods are employed to this day by casino cheats.
Late Bets or Betting
As the name implies this is placing a bet after the roulette ball has fallen into place and using the opportunity to sneak this bet in while the croupier is looking at the wheel. Some casinos will have standby personnel to try to combat this form of cheating which is really a form of stealing.
Capping a bet
Capping means to add more chips to your bet after you have won. Keep in mind cheating in this manner is illegal and will get you in serious trouble. Many casinos have cameras everywhere and this type of cheating will get you caught immediately by the eye in the sky.
Pinching a bet
The opposite of capping which is to pinch or remove chips once you have lost the bet. Of course, players who try this will want to do it once they realize they have lost and the dealer has taken a fraction of time to look at the wheel.
Biased, Weighted, Gaffed or Rigged Roulette Wheels
Rigging the wheel in roulette has caused many players to take advantage of the casino as well as casinos to do the same to players. The popularity in this type of wheel rigging has caused more standards and regulations to prevent this from happening in the future. Now roulette wheels are constructed in a manner to prevent wheel tampering and roulette wheel modifications.
Wheel Strategies
Of course, if you are playing roulette and you notice the wheel tends to favor one side or set of numbers then it isn't illegal for you to take advantage of this as this is considered the responsibility of the casino.
Practice Roulette online
If you want to practice roulette online either for free or for real money try finding casinos through our roulette bonuses page.
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